Greetings, Stonebridge Christian Church! We’re pleased to share exciting news from Mi Fortaleza, the church plant that you support in Nicaragua.
Construction is underway and the team is making solid progress. The church is growing, 80 adults and 150 children attend the church and six people have recently professed faith in Christ.
Photo above: masons use certified concrete blocks to build walls.
Construction Progress and Next Steps
Thank you for your patience and prayers as the church was delayed in receiving the certificates required to start construction. Additional delays were related to inflation and construction bids that exceeded the church’s budget.
Construction started on June 26. The church plant team purchased materials and hired laborers including masons, carpenters, welders and helpers. Workers built a temporary warehouse next to the construction site to safely store construction materials.
Pastors from the mother and daughter churches organized volunteers from both churches to complete the initial excavation. Church members also built a perimeter wall. Workers are now in the masonry phase. Within the next 60 days, workers plan to begin work on metal structures, followed by roofing tasks.
Staff from Compassion Nicaragua will visit regularly to monitor and evaluate the work. The finished construction will include a multipurpose room, three classrooms, a kitchen and restrooms for boys and girls.
Recent Church Activities
As part of their outreach to their neighbors, the church recently held a community health fair. Luz has a grandchild who participates in the Compassion program. She shared the impact of the new church:
“The church’s openness to children is a great blessing from God and an opportunity for each child to develop. I feel happy because my granddaughter is growing up with Christian values, learning Bible stories and songs that praise God. Thank you to the donors for helping the church build the new facilities. We hope you are proud of the work that is being done. Pastors Adela and Dominga have a pastoral call that all the families recognize because of their love and passion for the future of each child.”
Praises and Prayer Requests
Stonebridge Christian Church, we hope this update brings you joy as you see the impact of your generosity. The church asks you to join them in prayer for these requests:
- Pray for the families of the Compassion participants. Pray that each family has a spiritual foundation.
- Pray for the community and for better living conditions for each family.
- Pray for the church, the fulfillment of the Great Commission and for the spiritual growth of the local congregation.
- Pray for the construction process of the new facilities: that the project stays within budget and laborers committed to the work.
We look forward to bringing you more updates as the vision of a new church in Nicaragua becomes a reality. Thank you for partnering with Compassion International!