
A Proposal for Redeemer Church to Plant a New Church in Bolivia and Bring Hope to Children in Poverty


God calls us to participate in His redemptive story — to love Him, to love others and to share Christ’s love. Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty, and enable them to become healthy and fulfilled Christian adults — all for God’s glory.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind ... Love your neighbor as yourself." — Matthew 22:37-39, NIV

The Local Church

As the cornerstone of Compassion programming, local churches are best positioned to share the love of Christ with their neighbors. The local church is God’s plan for engaging the world and bringing hope, healing and the gospel of Christ. Fighting poverty is more than providing economic resources — it is defeating the lie that we are unworthy of God’s love. At the heart of all Compassion’s work is our commitment to releasing children from spiritual poverty.

Planting a New Church

Compassion’s church-based efforts are key to its effectiveness. A local church identifies nearby communities that would benefit from ministry and begins to build a reputation there. Compassion supports the established church in its efforts to establish a permanent congregation in the new community. The established church continues to mentor and support the new church until it matures enough to support itself. The church grows through its community involvement and its commitment to meet real needs.

Child Development Through Sponsorship

How does church planting relate to Compassion’s desire to help release children from poverty? The new church becomes the center for child development and the life-changing experience of child sponsorship. The local Compassion staff members offer a holistic development plan to registered children, aiding them in spiritual, physical and educational growth. The children connect with sponsors who provide love and encouragement.

Church Planting Opportunity in Bolivia

Compassion Bolivia has recently identified an area in need of an accessible Christ-centered church that preaches and lives God's word in partnership with the established Filadelfia Baptist Church, located in the region of Santa Cruz. The church plant will be called Filadelfia II Baptist Church and will be located approximately 11 miles away from the mother church.  This community has a large percentage of children (70% of the total population) and a high unemployment rate. Adults in the area work in construction, run businesses, or provide cleaning and weed removal. 

Homes in the community typically have an iron roof, walls made from wood and dirt floors. Some families live in two rooms, but many live in just one. This community does have access to potable water and electricity, though homes do not typically have restrooms. The majority of children in this community come from broken families and are left alone during the day while their parents go to the city to work. These children would benefit greatly from a safe place to go during the day where they would be loved, protected and could learn and grow. There are no other churches currently sharing the gospel or evangelizing in this area. 

The daughter church is pastored by Pastor Rodrigo (pictured above). Pastor Rodrigo started out by leading outreach for the mother church and is known to be a faithful church member with a humble spirit. He is currently in his third year of seminary. Though they do not have a church building, there are approximately 100 children who already gather for Vacation Bible School with Pastor Rodrigo to learn about Jesus. 

The church has purchased land (pictured right) and estimates that it will take 12 months to complete construction. The mother church staff will provide the necessary support to fulfill its mission.

Your Investment

An investment of $43,500.00 will fund the construction of essential core structures for one new church and needed facilities for a Compassion-assisted student center.

The essential core structures include:

  • One large meeting room/sanctuary.
  • Four classrooms.
  • Kitchen/food preparation space.
  • Office for church staff.
  • Restrooms/latrines.

Will You Join Us?

It is our privilege to present this strategic missions opportunity to help grow God’s Church in an area that greatly needs the message of Jesus Christ and the accompanying care that is best delivered through the personal nurture of a loving local church. We believe you will be a prayerful, effective partner with Compassion International and these potential church partners. Together, we can build, plant and enable a new church for effective Christ-centered ministry among impoverished families in Bolivia.

Pastor Rodrigo - Daughter church
Pastor Rodrigo
Land property 1

Church Plant Timeline

Depending on location, the average construction of the church building takes between 8-14 months. Many variables will influence the timeline including availability of materials, road conditions and weather.

  • Stage 1: Gift funding received by the national office.
  • Stage 2: Existing church staff members begin soliciting bids for construction, materials are purchased, and planning is finalized.
  • Stage 3: Construction begins. Church leaders from the new church conduct activities in the community to build awareness and excitement. Church leaders identify children who are eligible to register with the child development center.
  • Stage 4: As construction progresses, church staff members hire child development center staff. Training takes place and preparation for child registration continues.
  • Stage 5: 150 - 200 children are registered with the center. A caregiver orientation is held.
  • Stage 6: Construction concludes. The new church opens its doors to the community and the center begins ministry to children.

Compassion Stats

Numbers current as of February 2021.



children currently participating in Compassion's sponsorship program.



babies and their mothers receiving early development and survival care.



of the world’s poorest countries are served by Compassion.



local church partners preaching the gospel and developing children.

“Compassion International started with one man's obedience to God's call of, 'What are you going to do?' The question for us today is, 'What are we going to do?'”

— Wess Stafford, President Emeritus, Compassion International

Redeemer Church,

Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering with Compassion International. I welcome the opportunity to talk with you about your goals for the kingdom, or any interest you may have in experiencing Compassion's work firsthand. I would be honored to connect with you.


Matt Kitchen HeadshotCIRCLE

Matt Kitchen

Church Relations Manager
Compassion International

Phone: 815-509-7299