Mission Hills Church, we’re pleased to bring you a completion report from the church plant you support in Ecuador, Iglesia Centro Cristiana. Thank you for your patience as the team encountered delays during construction. All of the buildings are fully operational and 150 children and 300 adults are being impacted through your gift!
The completed facility includes the sanctuary, kitchen, bathrooms, dining room, guest rooms, classrooms and office. Staff report that the construction exceeds their expectations. The entrance to the church is shown in the photo above.
Construction Overview
Iglesia Centro Cristiana is located in the Ecuadorian jungle of Morona-Santiago. The majority of the completed structure is made of wood and has a concrete foundation. The roof has a hard ceiling, metal mesh, spotlights and cables.
- The sanctuary can accommodate 500 people.
- There are two classrooms with room for 40 to 45 children in each classroom.
- The dining room can serve 300 people.
- There are bathrooms for boys and girls.
- The guest house and office are in a building with two floors. A large office and storage area is located on the first floor. The second floor has four small rooms and can host a total of eight people. There is also a wide hall and balcony.
- The traditional kitchen has an area to store wood used for cooking. The roof is woven palm leaf and toquilla in the form of inverted cone to avoid accumulation of smoke from the firewood when cooking.
Images of Construction Progress
- The completed classrooms.
- There are modern bathrooms for boys and girls.
- A photo from early construction. The kitchen and guesthouse are in the background. The dining room was being framed.
- Workers sometimes used a horse to haul construction materials.
- During the initial phase, workers cut lumber for construction.
Challenges and Learning Opportunities
The team encountered several challenges related to the remote location of the church. During the rainy season, it was difficult to transport materials. The rivers were swollen and the water was contaminated. Construction was paused for several weeks after workers contracted dysentery from contaminated water. The church also found it challenging to feed all of the construction workers and volunteers, they were grateful when people within the church and community donated their resources.
Leaders share that they have learned much about the construction and also about patience and God’s faithfulness.
Impact of Your Gift
Currently, 150 children participate in the church’s child development program. The church’s vision is to spread the gospel throughout the Amazon region of Ecuador. They see the facilities as a base; they plan to expand to communities where people haven’t heard the gospel and children and youth are in desperate need of Christ. The finished construction contributes to the credibility of the pastor and the church combined with the acts of service the church is performing.
Ministry Progress
The facilities are an expression of God’s love to the children. Staff share that the new church demonstrates to the community that God sees them and he is interested in their lives. Child development staff are contributing to the spiritual, physical and emotional wellness of the children. They are also equipping children to be agents of change.
Celestino directs the child development program, and she sends a message of thanks to you for funding the church plant.
“Thank you for your generosity, your love and allowing yourselves to be used by God to bless the Ecuadorian jungle. People are learning to praise the only wise God in their native language. God is moving in our midst.
One of our participants was sick and had a large tumor. His father brought the boy to the church and the pastor prayed for him. The next day the child was healed and his father exclaimed that now he does believe that God exists.”
- Children enjoy nutritious meals in the dining room.
- Children participate in a class in the completed facility.
An Interview With a Compassion Participant
Ayle is 5 years old and attends the church’s Compassion center. When asked about how his life has changed through the new church, he said:
“We didn’t have a place to know about God. Now, I learn about God and tell it to my parents, the church is beautiful and I can play with my friends. Thank you so much, please don’t forget about us, many people has forgotten this place.”
Creating Lasting Change
Mission Hills Church, your gift to plant a new church in Ecuador is already impacting hundreds of lives. Children and adults are experiencing God’s love and the gospel is being shared throughout the community.
As the church grows and expands, your generosity will make an eternal difference, touching the lives of countless children and adults in the years to come. Thank you for partnering with Compassion International!