Mission Hills Church, we’re pleased to bring you an update from Centro Cristiano in Ecuador. Thank you for your patience as construction was delayed due to the pandemic. Construction on the church plant is now 80% completed. Staff report that 40 adults and 30 children currently attend the church and 15 people recently professed faith in Christ. In the photo above, workers build framing for the roof.
Staff in Ecuador sent photos of progress through May, but actual construction is much farther along. We are scheduled to receive more photos within the next few weeks and will send you another progress report.
Progress Update
The church is grateful that the sanctuary was completed with help from a missionary team who traveled from Chile. Workers also finished building a dining room, and it is already in use as children enjoy nutritious food. The bathrooms for men and women are also completed and there are two showers. The church is building a small house where the pastor will live.
Throughout the construction, the church organized mingas (community work days) with the president of the community. Teams of teachers came from Quito and brought construction materials. The church cooked for the community, distributed mosquito nets, and preached the gospel. Missionary teams visited local homes and offered counseling. Teachers held training workshops for church staff and volunteers.
- The missionary team from Chile was a huge help and the team made great gains in construction progress.
- Workers carry framing for the roof.
- A home for the pastoral family is adjacent to the church.
Challenges and Learning Opportunities
When the team first arrived, they had to learn the community culture, communication style and best ways to collaborate. The church wanted to serve the community and care for the children.
With God’s help, the church team has built solid relationships with children and families. The community collaborates with the church and the church has new leaders from the community. Members of the team have grown as they’ve learned and listened to the community.
Answered Prayer
Jairo and two of his siblings participate in the child development program. The children come from a large family and have seven other siblings. Their father is a farmer who recently lost all of his crops due to a plague. With no other source of income, Jairo’s father couldn’t feed his family. He was devastated and asked God to help him. The next day, the church sent three food baskets to his house. The family gives thanks to God and the church for helping them during this time.
Recent Activities
Church leaders share that the community is full of committed people, who are always willing to help. Children and families participating in the church and Compassion center are eager to spread the gospel with others.
- Children and tutors participate in Sunday School.
- Children attend a special service.
Praises and Prayer Requests
Leaders from the church thank you for your generosity to help plant a new church in a jungle community with many needs. They ask you to join them in prayer for the following:
- Completed construction of the church facilities and the pastoral house.
- For the new leaders.
- For each child to believe they are loved by Jesus.
Thank you for partnering with Compassion International! We look forward to bringing you another update soon.