Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
“Upon this rock I will build my church” is one of the powerful statements that Jesus pronounced in Matthew 16:18. Since then, the Lord Jesus has not rested in carrying on his mission. The dynamics the Lord has used for the expansion of his kingdom in Ecuador is amazing. It’s real, and it is happening in areas of the country where poverty and darkness had the control of people, families and communities. In Jesus’ name, children are being released from the oppression of poverty, families are being saved, and new churches are being planted.
My name is Sixto Gamboa. I have been serving with Compassion for a number of years, and I am Compassion’s National Director in Ecuador. Ecuador is a gorgeous country because of the of its natural beauty and wonderful people. Sadly, inequity and other social factors have caused much poverty and hopelessness. Yet, the preaching of the good news is bringing good results. Since 1974, Compassion Ecuador has been a key instrument in fighting against poverty and building Jesus’ Church.
It is over eight years since God started challenging Compassion Ecuador to expand into more remote areas of the country. It was determined that church partners had the means to get involved in church planting and move strategically to areas of poverty near them where there was no gospel witness. Also, Compassion began to find new church partners with vision and potential to take the challenge of planting new churches and serving children. With God as a guide, church planting began. Since then, and despite many obstacles and challenges, our Lord has shown that he is the Lord of this ministry.
In the process, Compassion has learned many valuable lessons. Together, church partners, Compassion Ecuador and key stakeholders are part of the blessing of having planted more than 90 new churches in Ecuador.
We have witnessed new churches serving children in dynamic ways. We are seeing more families and people added to new congregations. These new churches are the very presence of God transforming and healing children and families. Thousands of infants and children are receiving care that Compassion and the church provide for them.
“The fight is not against flesh and blood,” said the apostle Paul, and so it is true when Christ followers get involved in the task of church planting. This is certainly a new season for Compassion Ecuador. God is building His church, and Compassion is a chosen instrument to facilitate, serve the poor communities of Ecuador and join hands with the church here and the church elsewhere.
As heavens rejoice when children, and people in general, come to know the Lord and a new church is planted, our hearts are also deeply touched. On behalf of Compassion Ecuador, our churches and our people, I want to share my joy and express my gratitude for partnering with us. It is God’s will that we will never stop doing it. God bless you!
In Christ,
Sixto Gamboa
Ecuador National Director