Foothills Bible Church, thank you for your generous gift to build Iglesia Cristiana Reformada in the Dominican Republic. Your kindness and support are having a profound impact on Dominican families living in extreme poverty. Your support is equipping Iglesia Cristiana Reformada to bring this region the gospel and a hope for the future. We’re pleased to bring you this final update on your investment.
Pictured above, a group of young children display artwork from a child-protection activity they worked on at the new center.
Impact of Your Gift
Preparations began in September 2022 and involved the church’s construction committee, Compassion staff members and volunteer church members. The team worked to find a suitable builder. Once the builder was selected and despite some transportation delays, workers built four classrooms and a multipurpose room. Children have been registered for Compassion’s holistic child development program, and the entire community has been very engaged throughout the entire process.
Because of your generosity, 80% of the community’s homes are being blessed by the new church. The staff are eager to share God’s Word with the children, and the church now has an open invitation into each child’s home. Participants will grow up healthy and learn about God’s great love for them right alongside their parents. And now that there is a safe and conducive learning environment, children’s focus and academic performance have also improved.
- A participant helps cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony.
- The youngest class at the new child development center enjoys a snack.
- Students display a poster they made as they learned about how to protect and advocate for themselves.
- Participants play a game at the new facilities.
- Outdoor play promotes healthy physical activity, self-confidence and social skills.
- Participants enjoy inflatable slides that were rented for the inauguration celebration.
- A tutor distributes pencils for participants to write letters to their sponsors.
- Sponsorship reminds children that they are known, loved and kept in prayer.
- Pictured are the mother and daughter church pastors, the Compassion staff and some of the participants at this center who are thankful for your gift to plant their church.
Empowering Ministry Efforts
Pastor Johansy reports:
The lives of the children have changed significantly, and they feel very happy when attending the center. They are eager and hungry to know God, and their parents are incredibly grateful for the help they have received. Our church has become a reference point for our community, and more and more people are now attending the church, increasing our opportunities to share the hope of the gospel.
We have provided food packages to several homes that were experiencing extreme hunger due to impoverished conditions. We have also supplied clothes, shoes and appropriate medical care. The recreational spaces for the children allow them to play, have fun and enjoy their childhood. Thank you, dear supporters, for your dedication to us and the Lord. Thank you for contributing your resources, and may the Lord continue to bless you as you have blessed us.
Hope for Luis
Luis is an 8-year-old participant at Iglesia Cristiana Reformada’s new Compassion-assisted child development center. He and his mother live near the new church, and they are thankful for the ways the staff and building have provided for their family’s needs. Luis shares, “My mom and I knew little about God before this church was built in our community. The pastors and church members have helped my family in so many ways, and our lives have improved dramatically because of their help.”
His mother says, “We are raising a future evangelist and pastor because of what we have received from the church. I have learned many new things about the Bible. I’ve also learned how to raise my child in God’s ways and provide an environment for healthy physical, spiritual, emotional and cognitive development for my son. Thank you for helping bring this center to our community. We have seen many changes in our neighbors because of its work.”
With Deep Gratitude
Foothills Bible Church, as you can see, your investment in this Dominican community is making a remarkable and life-changing impact. Thank you for partnering with Compassion International to bring real help and everlasting hope to children and their families living in extreme poverty. May God continue to bless you!