Frisco First Baptist Church, thank you for your gift to launch a new child development center at Eglise des Assemblées de Dieu du Togo. Because of your generosity, the church partner has been equipped to reach out to the children and families of the community to make a difference.
Photo above: Prosper is 3 years old, and is one of the children enrolled in the new child development center at Eglise des Assemblées de Dieu du Togo.
Ministry Progress at Eglise des Assemblées de Dieu du Togo
The church has been able to register children for the program, prepare classrooms, purchase supplies and hire and train staff members and volunteers who will work with the children. Now that the center has been launched, children ages 3 to 11 years old have the opportunity to go to the center for three hours on Saturdays and four hours during the week.
- The children who attend the center pose for a group photo with bags of food provided for their families.
About the Community
The church is located in the central part of Togo in a community that is home to approximately 10,000 people. Through the new child development center, the church hopes to be a light in the community, sharing the gospel and providing support for the children in healthcare and education.
Meet the Staff
- Staff members (from left to right) include the accountant, project director and social worker.
Your Gift Enables the Church to Serve Vulnerable Children
Compassion’s Partnership Facilitators manage relationships with local churches, helping them build capacity, mobilize resources and strengthen ownership of the ministry.
Dear Friends,
May grace and peace be given to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! It is a great pleasure for me to write to you. I am the Compassion Partnership Facilitator for this center. Thank you for your donation and support of this church in launching this new center. The church has been reaching out to their community for a few years. Through this partnership with Compassion, they are able to minister on new levels to children in need.
The community where this church is located has a lot of poverty. Families are mainly engaged in farming and struggle to provide for their daily needs. This situation makes it very hard for the children of the community, and the church is thankful to have been able to register 122 of them for this child development program at the center. The church has been working to provide activities for the children and their parents. However, lack of resources made this very hard. The church is very thankful to God for answering their prayers and to you for your help.
Through your support, the church purchased the child development materials they need to serve the children participating in the center. The leaders and members of the church were filled with joy when they received the news of your help, and they are very grateful to you. The church is praying for you, your family and all your activities. May God bless you!
Orounla, Partnership Facilitator
Thank You!
Frisco First Baptist Church, your partnership is so important, and it is incredible to see the work being done thanks to your generous support! Thank you for making such a profound difference in the lives of these children!