Greetings, Frisco First Baptist Church! Thank you for your gift to plant Truth and Life Baptist Church in Mexico. Construction is nearly finished, and the community is responding positively to the gospel. The church rejoices that nine people have been baptized! Church leaders want you to know they are grateful for what God has done and hope to meet you and share a moment of gratitude together one day. In the photo above, a mother hugs her children just outside the church.
This report includes updates on construction and church activities, prayer requests and a testimony from church staff about two new believers.
Construction Progress
Construction of the six classrooms is now complete. In the sanctuary, the doors and windows have been placed. The walls are being painted.
- The congregation works on finishing touches.
- Community members paint the church walls.
- An outside view of the church sanctuary.
- Large windows let light into the sanctuary.
- The classroom buildings.
- Tables and chairs in one of six new classrooms.
- Play equipment in one of six new classrooms.
Challenges and Opportunities
Members of the congregation have come together to work as a team on a project that is close to God’s heart. They have learned that God is a good father who will supply their ministry with what they need. Though there were financial challenges due to the pandemic, the church thanks God because these difficulties made it possible to see God at work.
Next Steps
In the next 60 days, construction workers plan to:
- Place the kitchen doors.
- Add furniture to the kitchen and dining room.
- Finish painting the walls.
- Clean the building in preparation for the church opening.
Church Activities
Currently, 167 adults and 80 children regularly attend this church. The church praises God that over the past 60 days, nine people have professed faith in Jesus.
The congregation has been focused on finishing touches before the facilities open. They are donating flowerpots and plants that will help to create a welcoming environment. Church staff are planning a gradual return to in-person meetings and church services.
- The congregation is donating flowerpots and plants to the church.
A Testimony From Church Staff About Two New Believers
“One of the most impactful events for the church was the baptism of nine people, including construction workers named Uriel and Bulmaro, who both have children registered with Compassion. Uriel is a young man who considered himself an atheist living far from God. His mother recently passed away. Because of the pandemic, he lost his job making jewelry, so he went to the church to ask for work. While working in construction, he listened to the gospel, was discipled and came to believe. Uriel, Bulmaro and Bulmaro’s wife, Frida accepted Jesus as their Savior and were baptized.”
- Construction workers paint the church walls.
Praises and Prayer Requests
The church is grateful to you for your support of the construction project. They wish to thank you for your commitment to the Great Commission. They ask you to please pray that they would wisely use what God has given them and that God would be glorified.