First Baptist Church of Frisco, we are excited to report that your church plant, Iglesia Iberoamericana El Edén, is nearly complete, and the staff is busy serving the El Edén community near the town of Baba, Ecuador. Following is the latest field report, with several photos showing various stages of progress. Thank you for continuing to pray for this church and community as they are changed by the love of Jesus!
Construction Progress
The church is in the last stages of construction.
The pastor is not directly involved in construction efforts, but he supervises progress.
- Exterior view as you approach
Church Activities
Currently, 35 adults attend the church regularly, and 150 children attend the church and child development center regularly.
The staff continues to train tutors and provide the children with biblical lessons to help them develop relationships. The pastor invests much of his time in building capacity among the child development center workers and investing in people in the community.
- Workers apply finishing touches outside
Challenges Encountered
The church had difficulty obtaining some building materials but is grateful to God for help in solving it so construction can be complete soon.
Church members are happy about the construction progress and can see that God’s hand has guided the process in a great way. The children and their parents are happy with everything that is being done.
- Classrooms are almost complete
Next Steps
Only a few, final details remain until the building project is complete.
Testimony of Impact
“Everything is very beautiful here. We are grateful to God because we never imagined that we would see such a beautiful church. We know the children will be blessed through what God will do in this place.”
– Erika, mother of a registered beneficiary
- Kitchen construction continues
Praises and Prayer Requests
The church leadership team offers its thanks to you for all your support and prays that God will bless you in a great way.
They appreciate your constant support in this project – financially and in prayer. They know that God will use this project to make a great change in the hearts of all the people in their community.
They ask you to join them in prayer:
- for people throughout their community, that God may restore and bless marriages in many families
- for the child development center to thrive
- that everything is done according to the will of God
Photos of Progress
- The nearly complete sanctuary
- First restroom nearly complete
- Registered children learning about the word of God
- Registered children sharing with their tutors and learning about God
- Special activities with registered children