Calvary Chapel Cheyenne, thank you so much for your gift to plant a new church in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The team is making steady construction progress, and we are pleased to bring you this update. Currently, 12 adults and 35 children attend the church, and six people have trusted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Praise God!
Pictured above, workers have finished the structural elements of the ground level and begin on the second story.
Construction Progress at Roca de la Fe
The church is grateful to God for sustaining the construction team and their efforts. His provision is helping cover the labor costs. Thanks to the workers, the walls have been raised on the ground level, electrical piping is complete, and the staircase to the second level is finished.
Over the next 60 days, the team will pour more concrete structural columns, lay the subfloor on the second level, and then tile the floor on the ground level.
Pictured below are photos of recent progress.
A Lively Church Body
The child development center staff members and church pastor work closely together, ensuring caregivers, congregants and children are all up-to-date on the project’s status. Parents regularly help with construction after Sunday church services and cooks prepare lunch for the workers. An outreach team visits the Compassion participants’ homes and shares the gospel with them.
Hope for Melvy, a Caregiver
Melvy is the mother of of Kaleb, a participant at this child development center. She shares,
I am grateful to the God for the Compassion program and the staff who helps my family. During one of the lowest points of my life, I shared my situation with Tutor Julia, and she swiftly supported me and called on her colleagues to pray for me and my sick daughter. Once I shared my worries with her and knew she was praying for me, my heart felt at peace.
I am thankful for the many classes at the center that teach me how to love and protect my children, raise them using biblical principles and make them healthy foods. Because of how much me and my family have changed, my neighbors are asking how they can register their children in the program. My husband is also very grateful for the support we receive from the center, such as groceries and the workshops. He encourages me to be attentive to the center’s teaching and joins me in thanking God for his provision to our family. May God continue to bless you, dear supporters!
Praises and Prayer Requests
Roca de la Fe asks for your continued prayers for the families in this community: that God would prepare their hearts to receive the gospel message from the those sharing it with them in their homes. The church leaders and members are grateful for each of you, God’s provision, and the exceptional strength of the workers who are building this new church.
Thank you, Calvary Chapel Cheyenne! We look forward to bringing you more updates.